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Raven Song - Corvus Gunblaze
  Play by Play

Raven Song - Corvus Gunblaze

Marina Quinart
by Minakorii on 14 Apr 2024

Raven Song is a 2D side scroller mixing action and reflection. The universe is based in London during the Victorian era. Our character, Corvus Gunblaze, is a bounty hunter. He is fast, svelte and he mainly fight with his shotgun. His design is based on the raven.

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Update - 14 Apr 2024

Conception of our main character : Corvus Gunblaze.

Here you can see the final result of my research ! 

Corvus is a "Bounty Hunter" fighting against Demons on earth.

After a pact with an entity from the other side, Corvus receive a demonic arm which is capable of calling back the bullet he shot previously.

At the beginning, we wanted our game to be in a semi-realism style. A lot of research is based on this graphic design idea.

First of all, Corvus was more a "Cowboy" than a "Bounty Hunter". He got a hat, a cape and obviously a gun. But all those design were too generic and not enough appealing.

We needed less details and an easiest shape to read. So i took one of the last concept I made and declined it into a better shape.

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