Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
ASIAN OLD MAN - Sculpting done in Zbrush

ASIAN OLD MAN - Sculpting done in Zbrush

by tanzLdrago on 27 Jan 2024

ASIAN OLD MAN - Sculpting done in Zbrush - with proper research

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Real Og Asian Community

Focus: Sculptural representation of an elder from a specific, real-world Og Asian community.

Key Points:

Community: Identify the specific Og Asian community (e.g., Lisu, Hmong, Mien). Research their cultural practices, attire, and facial features specific to elders.

Age & Experience: Consider the typical lifespan and lifestyle of elders in the community. Reflect this in the sculpt's wrinkles, sun-damage, and expressions.

Individuality: Go beyond stereotypes. Capture unique details like traditional markings, scars, or expressions that tell the individual's story.

Materials & Techniques: Choose sculpting materials that suit the desired level of detail and cultural significance (e.g., clay, wood, mixed media). Research traditional craft techniques used in the community.

Further Research:

Historical and ethnographic studies of the specific Og Asian community.

Visual references like photographs, paintings, or sculptures depicting elders.

Interviews with community members to understand their perspectives on aging and representation.

Remember: Respect and sensitivity are crucial when portraying a specific cultural group. Strive for authenticity while avoiding appropriation or harmful stereotypes.

Conciseness: This document can be further condensed into bullet points or keywords for easy reference during sculpting.

I hope this brief research document provides a helpful starting point for your project!

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