View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024


Judisak Meng
by judisakmeng on 11 Dec 2023

Alone was our master project at UTS Animal Logic Academy. I was challenged to learn how to thrive in a collaborative environment while also quickly leveling up my animation. This is a breakdown of my contribution to the project.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

My Role: Animation, Pre-Visualisation

Collection of my shots in the film

The opening sequence

Lighting: Matt Castley, Ruben Luzaic
Compositing: Matt CastleyNathan Le

The opening shot was the most challenging shot I've encountered as an animator thus far. It presented both technical and creative hurdles. When planning the shot, our animation lead, Alex Weight, aimed to convey the personality and character of our main robot. I spent a considerable amount of time sourcing and filming numerous references for this specific shot. Collaborating closely with Alex, we worked towards achieving the animation showcased in the film. This proved to be an immense learning experience for me, delving into the use of references and collaborating effectively with my lead to craft an animated sequence.

Blocking to spline process on some of my shots

Pre-Production character exploration

'Alone' is the biggest project I’ve ever been a part of so far. I’ve learned so much and improved so much as both an animator and a collaborator from this project. A special thanks to all of my classmates at the UTS Animal Logic Academy 2023 Cohort and my animation lead Alex Weight. I’m looking forward to the film's online premiere. 

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