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Shooter game mechanics project

Shooter game mechanics project

Israel Rodríguez Rodríguez
by Israel on 25 Sep 2023

Shoother game divided in two parts, one is a PvP and the other one is for prove some addforce mechanics to the objects

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link to the folder with whole project

Shoot by raycast:

In the PvP and the fisics test I use a raycast, that is activated when the player presses the corresponding button.

In the PvP the raycast comproves if the bullet hits another player, then it does one damage to the target and decreses by one the quantity of munition of the player that shoot the bullet.

In the fisics test the the raycast comproves if the bullet hits an object with rigidbody and then apllies a force to it.

Ammunition mechanic:

LIves and medikit mechanic:

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