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Théo Bérail
by TheoBerail on 8 Aug 2023

An Advertising project in semiology where we created a sexist commercial, but against men ! Feat. Alicia Denux

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Théo Bérail & Alicia Denux

ESMA 2023


Men don't know anything about it, but Lana does !

This is a semiology project whose goal was to learn how signs can be used in a more subtle way in order to manipulate our perception of people.

The teacher asked us to find as many images as possible of sexist adverts. We then analysed all of them in class in order to create our own sexist advert, but against men !

We also watched this Arte documentary about the History of advertising through some famous graphic designers. We had to imitate the style of one of them.

We also studied the use of stylistic devices in advertising. We had to use one in our poster.

It was a two-person team project. I was with Alicia Denux. We chose the style of Julius Klinger for our advert because we both loved his work and humor. Then we searched for the theme. We had a lot of ideas. I really wanted to make a commercial about a sex toy because there was a lot of potential, and it could also make a feminist poster for sexual liberation. We both agreed on this idea and started develop it.

Julius Klinger moodboard

Sex toy adverts

We had different ideas. Using a feminine sex toy (rabbit) as the phallic power of women. An ad for BDSM accessories showing the man submissive to the woman. Showing that men are bad at sex because they only know sterotypes...

We finally agreed on an idea : An ad for a rabbit vibrator showing how much this sex toy is complex and scientific for men whose sex toys are simpler.

We found different ways to express it : A future archeologist, or a man looking like Einstein who don't understand the object. Alicia had the idea to draw the character as a prehistoric man. The message would be that men are so primitive in sexual pleasure that they are in prehistoric time compared to a rabbit vibrator wich is a highly scientific object.

We would draw the character like these one by Julius Klinger.

I drew the character in Inkscape while Alicia made the text, layout and logo.


Thank you for watching !

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