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A world of Vertex and Edges

A world of Vertex and Edges

Théo Bérail
by TheoBerail on 7 Jul 2023

All my modeling projects during first year at ESMA.

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A world of Vertex and Edges

Autodesk Maya, Pixar's RenderMan

This project is the collection of all my modeling project during my first year at ESMA (2022 - 2023). When I arrived in this school, I knew nothing but I learned step by step.

The 20 objects - October 2022

20 objects made only with primitives geometries. We could edit their attributes, snap them, scale/rotate/translate them.

Here is a sample of the best ones.

The 4 utensils - November 2022

Three obligatory objects (knife, fork, screwdriver), the fourth is free.

The Teapot - December 2022/January 2023

A teapot with a beak, a tea ball, a spoon and a cup. First steps with QuadDraw.

The Shoe - February 2023

The Tyre - March 2023

Thank you for watching !

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