Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!


Bruno Candia
by brunocandix on 1 Jul 2023

This Course and Project that I took is the culmination of my Study of Environment, I spent 2 years completely learning all the programs, techniques, and very thoroughly, especially the Unreal Engine, I can say, that this is where my true adventure in this crazy begins World. This is just beginning for Me.! :D

3 300 1
Round of applause for our sponsors

No retouching outside the editing program. Full Unreal Engine 5.1 _ RayTracing_PostProcess_Settings_ConsoleVariables

Rtx 3060ti - 13th i5 13600k - 32GB RAM

(Path Tracer OFF-ON)

Here You Have Some of the Materials that I have created, and used in my scenes, some I have as personal, here you can see it: D Thx!

Snippets Here:


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