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Gracie Nguyen
by gracienguyen, jnnycek, and lstoic20 on 30 May 2023

Comigo aims to create a new avenue for making friends that puts emphasis on spending time with people face to face. We are for the people who see the value of making connections in person instead of behind a screen. With Comigo you can tap into discovering new friendships, find true community, and connect uniquely.

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Problem Identified:

The increasing reliance on digital interactions instead of physical connections has created a disruption in the process of human socialization. More people experience detrimental feelings of loneliness, and lower quality connections due to investing more time into social media presence than spending time with each other in person to form friendships. This has become a pronounced problem in the past twenty years specifically.

Our Goal

Comigo aims to create a new avenue for making friends that puts emphasis on spending time with people face to face.

We want to create a new kind of community for people who see the value of making connections in person instead of behind a screen.

Our Approach

We aim to create a solution that addresses the pain points of individuals struggling to build new relationships in today's digital age. We plan to do this by facilitating initial social interactions through an ecosystem of a device paired with a mobile app that focuses on establishing and maintaining new friendships/relationships.

Through our product and application, we are making use of existing behaviors and habits in our target audience to promote socialization in a physical space.


The goal of the device was to create an engaging shared experience between people that doesn’t rely on screen-based interaction and instead pulls people’s attention into the physical world for interaction.

The Comigo Device is the key to unlocking the rest of the Comigo Ecosystem. By creating something personal, playful, and portable we aim to bring people together in the physical world and provide an engaging shared experience.

You can discover how you blend with someone when you click. Everyone has a vibe unique to them and after clicking devices, you and your new friend watch as the two Comigo devices light up to display your individual vibe which morphs together to display a joint vibe singular to that interaction.


Discover Places

By finding local places and events on your map, Comigo helps you make the first step to meeting new people and making lasting friendships.

You’re able to look for places to hang out whether that be popular places in your area that we have verified and partnered with, members-only events where you can meet others who share the desire to connect over similar niche interests or find events tailored to your social personality.


Your Comigo experience is as unique as you are, so we created the Vibe Quiz. You can take your Vibe Quiz daily or weekly to reveal your social personality and get a better understanding of yourself which helps us curate a selection of opportunities to connect that fit your vibe!

Reach Out

Keep in touch with the connections you make, build friendships by hanging out, and earn rewards together. Every time you and another person hang out, by clicking devices you’re earning reward points that you’re able to use together at future events or gatherings by any of our partners.

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