View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024


by sjohnson198 on 25 Apr 2023

Requisition is a stylized, high fantasy, top down game inspired by Eastern Asian and gothic elements. In this story, the Nocuta and Korvi kingdoms are locked in a battle for dominance. From the ashes of the first war rises Speris, one boy who has the power to tilt the scales. The question is, which side will he choose?

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Requisition is a stylized high fantasy top down game, in which the lost child Speris fights to reclaim the Noctuan throne from the malevolent Korvi. 

This fantastical story takes place in a land inspired by eastern Asia, with key reference from owls, ravens, the karambit, and ceremonial clothing/armor.

Our protagonist Speris is cocky, agile, and unpredictable. He is the lost child of the Noctua, and has a claim to their throne. He wields the Adasurge Blade, which grants him great power, but he sometimes overestimates himself.

Design iterations, color variations, and attack sheet.

Followed by the Adasurge Blade design process.

Our main antagonist Mileena is stealthy, calculated, and smug. She is the leader of the Korvi, and also happens to be Speris' sister. She harbours resentment from being denied a chance at rulership and founded the opposing nation to claim what she believes is rightfully hers. 

Design iterations, color variations, and attack sheet.

Mileena Splash Art and thumbnail process.

Our secondary protagonist Custos is wise, graceful, and protective. He took Speris in, cared for him, and trained him after he was displaced by the first war. Custos now aids him in his return to power.

Design iterations and color variations.

Custos' remote villa, where he raised Speris and trained him away from the dangerous occupied Noctuan city.

Illustration and design breakdown.

Our secondary antagonist Fernis is stoic, brutal, and reserved. He is Mileena's right hand man, a former Noctuan kingsguard who was defeated in the first war and reanimated to serve the Korvi with his massive strength. 

Design ideation and color variations.

That concludes my Requisition portfolio project! I hope you all enjoyed.

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