View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Studio 2 - Enter

Studio 2 - Enter

by SamIppolito and jacintaperret28 on 15 Jan 2023

A 2D animation focusing on how the internet can make us easily lose track of space and time. Especially with a constant barrage of advertisements, click bait, and an endless supply of knowledge and blind entertainment. 

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Round of applause for our sponsors

I helped in the pre-production phase of this project as a concept artist, mainly focused on the graphic design of the websites, the desktop background inside the computer monitor, and the various posts that show up in the project.

In the production phase, I was an in-between animator that worked on many shots throughout the process. Once that was over I worked on colouring for a remaining shot that was left before the project's completion.

Graphic Designs

Concept art and development for computer graphics and desktop backgrounds.

Website, Posts, and Prop Concepts

Examples of Concept art I made for different parts of the pre-production stage of the project.

In-Betweening Examples

Responsible for In-betweens.

Colouring Examples

Responsible only for colouring.

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