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Symphony of Bards

Symphony of Bards

by MitchellPickup81 on 6 Nov 2022

Project for Lab 2 at JMC Academy, done in collaberation with Amer Muhummad, and Jessie Hazim. Art done by Jessie Hazim

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Jon Dialogue  done in Ink

Good Day Traveler how may i help you?

* Hi im a Traveling Bard


* Nothing, sorry to bother you



-Oh a tarvelling bard you say well your more than welcome here, My name is Jon and i own the place the stage is over there when your ready but feel free to mingle the night is young and the people here are freindly

+whats with that sword up there?


+Tell me about the place.


+hows the Tavern doing?

-its doing quite well at the moment, the only real problem is im low on Blue Ale and havent got anymore here, ive got some out in storge but i cant leave the bar unattended and my neice has had too many to do it properly


=== No ===

-no trouble have a nice evening



There isnt much to say really, the town is rather small, it barely has a name, there are some intresting characters about, sorry id love to keep talking but i need to serve somebody.


=== Denial ===

Nothing, its just an old relic, enjoy the rest of your evening Bard.


Hello again Bard. what did you want to talk about?

*I wanted to know more about the town


*Do you still need some Blue Ale? any way i could help?


*I talked to Agatha she mentioned that you were an adventurer. is that why you have that sword up there?


=== PathA ===

oh yes you asked about that earlier, im afraid there isnt much to say but you can talk to Brom and Aden over there. Aden is always up for a chat and Brom, well Brom has some issues but he's a nice guy. I look Forward to your performance later tonight

-> END

=== PathB ===

Actually could you manage the bar for 5 minutes? it would really help me out, weve only got 3 flavours of Ale at the moment the patrons will ask for what they want ill be back in a few.



Its from my time as an adventurer, i dont like talking about it but years ago before i opened the Tavern, i was known as The Blade, i did alot of work around the kingdom and became somewhat we nown but... well i gave that life up... enjoy your Ale.


Agatha Dialogue, Done In Ink

Oh.. Hello there little one... what brings a morsel like you to this Tavern?

*Im a travelling Bard, miss...?

- Call me Agatha my dear, a BArd you said? are you actually a bard or one of those silly minstrels that come through

*A real Bard Miss Agatha

- Just Agatha my dear, now what did you want to discuss?

*What are you? you seam to draw the light to you while staying cloaked in shadows...


What brings you here of all places? forgicve me you seam.. more than this place.


*I like your staff, whats it made of?


==== Magic ====

-ha ha... I am a Witch my little Bard one who has travelled over these lands and learnt its secrets.

*Can you teach me anything?

-mmmh... yes, and no you see alot of what can be learned must be learnt from the source, other wise it wont work properly. i could teach you a few parlour tricks but its much better to learn on your own.

*Can you tell me of your travels then?

-of course little one, but im afraid my mug has run dry and i must fetch another, come back latter and i will tell you the wonderous places i have seen.


=== Family ===

-I suppose it does,little one but one thing you must remember is that family comes before anything, my Uncle, Jon runs this Tavern and i like to drop by on occasion to check up on him he has been so lonely since my aunt passed away.

*oh im sorry to hear that

-you needent worry my dear but you must excuse me as i requir another Ale.


=== Staff ===

-its fasioned from the branch of an oak who saw the birth and death of a dragon some 3500 years ago now run along i need to talk to my Uncle


Hello again little one what can I do for you?

*Can you tell me about your travels?


*You mentioned that Jons your uncle, i was wondering what was with the sword? He wouldnt tell me about it for some reason.



its really not my place to say, and I dont know much but its from before he opened this place. I think he was an adventurer, when I left for my travels he gave me a bunch of mapos from all over the kingdom as well as some travelling kit to help me start out. Do you want to know anything else?

*Can you tell me about your travels?


===Travels ===

Im afraid that you will have to be more specific my dear, Ive been all over the kingdom, perhaps your reffering to the time i spent in the Caves of Ciaphas? or perhaps my escape from the Mashes of Katla, or maybe even the ruins in the Kendel Plains?

*Can you tell me about the caves?


*What are the Marshes of Katla?


*you found Ruins out in the Kendal Plains? I thought they were barren!?




Ah the Caves of Ciaphas, it is truely one of the most magical places, in both terms of power and the view. If you ever get the chance I urge you to go, i actually made my staff from the greart Oak that grows in the deepest part of the caves, I imagine an instrement made from the same wood would suite you well, it actually inhances the 9=ambiant magic levels surrounding it. Do you want to learn about my other travels my dear?

*What are the Marshes of Katla?


*you found Ruins out in the Kendal Plains? I thought they were barren!?


*No, thank you I need to start my performance soon

-No worries little one, I look forward to seeing you play.



The Marshes are a deadly place, it was once the site of a great battle, one of wich the details have been lost to time. but the land is still saturated with the blood and bones of that battle and a great evil has settled over the it. I went there looking for a lost relic, I found it but... it was not worth the price I paid. never go there unless it is at sword point. I... can we talk about something else please?

*Can you tell me about the caves?


*you found Ruins out in the Kendal Plains? I thought they were barren!?


*No, thank you I need to start my performance soon

-No worries little one, I look forward to seeing you play.



They are! The ruins are actually in a reality fold found near the centre. The ruins arent too special in and of themselves, just some old houses and foundations. but the magic in the fold itself is exstrodenary, the entrance is barely a metre wide and only half as tall, if I hadnt triped over a bit of dirt and fell into it. I spent months studying the fold and I still only have a basic understanding of it, I would love to talk to the caster. Im sorry my dear did you want to know anything else?

*Can you tell me about the caves?


*What are the Marshes of Katla?


*No, thank you I need to start my performance soon

-No worries little one, I look forward to seeing you play.


The World of Symphony of Bards

The Bard lives in the peaceful kingdom of Araquas, it is an old kingdom, one who has lost most of its history to time. It’s said that the bones of the land are so old that they turned to dust and had to be replaced. Now while the kingdom is at peace that does not mean that it is always safe, during the night ancient magics revive the dead and curse the animals of the land, no one is sure why it happens or where the magic came from, but it’s been like that since before anybody’s great, great grandma can remember, so you take precautions, don’t go out at night and if you do go armed.

Magic is a prevalent force in the kingdom, used in everything from lighting your fire at night to constructing cities overnight. The magic is as ancient as the land with many hidey holes full of lost knowledge waiting to be plundered, at least by those brave enough to venture into them, and the fewer still that are skilled enough to return.

Travelling musicians are a fairly common sight in the kingdom, but travelling bards are rarely seen outside of the larger towns and cities where they can make fortunes playing a single night. The magic that bards weave into their music grants blessings of good fortune to the listeners, hence they are highly valued.

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