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Snow way back -  WIP Rookie Award Submission
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Snow way back - WIP Rookie Award Submission

Sam Claydon
by SamClaydon on 14 Mar 2022

I will be solo creating an Open World Indie Game set in a modern day Ice Age for the Rookie Awards. Here is my development:

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Update - 9 Aug 2022

New Devlog

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Update - 31 Mar 2022

As I am heading towards this eye catching blue colour palette for the main area, I tried out different variations for different locations...

This warm colour palette will represent the inside and heated locations of the world.

Unlike the warm of the buildings, you may find glaciers that have a more chilling colour palette.

The outdoors will still represent the Ice Age you are in and you will see this palette the most but it does stand out compared to the others.

Update - 31 Mar 2022

New Location

I wanted to create glaciers for the player to traverse over in the world of Snow way back. I wanted to make it show up as a big interactable piece in the open world that you can go into.

I am also creating man-made elements to the map as it leads the player towards those locations. I am currently focusing on my University work as my priority but I am happy I had some time to work on this.

Update - 31 Mar 2022

New Logo!

I will be continuing to polish this logo for the future but I am happier with this direction of the logo.

Update - 24 Mar 2022


I am really happy to get this video out and showcase the development of my game so far. I am really optimistic about getting this released for the Rookies Awards 2022. I know that I can achieve it and I am really excited to tell a story set in my game ‘Snow way back’.

Update - 17 Mar 2022

Today I have been working on the story of the game. I want it to be a fun and enjoyable experience for the player. I have recently been working on the dialogue system for the game. I have been following the amazing Brackeys tutorials to understand how to do it.

Here is a video of all of my work so far. I plan to have a devlog video up soon so I can talk about this project in more detail. I am really enjoying this solo project and can’t wait to see where it ends up by the deadline.

Update - 15 Mar 2022

Today I have been working on quite a few new things!


Showcase of the Player Character

Brand new UI

Scrapped Test

I have been focusing on the UI layout and some new ideas for UI in the future of ‘Snow way back’. I started this project at the start of March so this marks the 2 Week of development update. 

Here is the new UI! I have now included a small box to show the player’s face. I want to take inspiration from the original Doom and change the player’s face depending on their health. That is 100% a stretch goal for my game though, so if I have time I will implement it.

Here is my scrapped redesign of the main character. I tried to make the player more circular and smaller but it didn’t fit my overall idea for the game. So this small pudgy player model will be scrapped.

Update - 14 Mar 2022

Welcome! I will be solo developing an open world Indie Game set in a modern day Ice Age. The game is called ‘Snow way back’ and will follow the story of an expedition team of two that go out and try to find a new settlement for their family and friends back at their camp. The game will have a striking colour palette that will partner with the voxel and pixel art. I aim to finish a working demo for the Rookies’ Rookie of the Year - Game Development category.

I am very passionate about this project and I believe that it will showcase my skills as a well rounded game developer. I hope you enjoy reading some of my development blogs as I update this project as I progress.