Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Omnipotent Creature
  Play by Play

Omnipotent Creature

by JessicaIrazabal on 19 Jun 2021

A Creature 2D designed Lab 1

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Update - 29 Aug 2021

Name: Jun

Age: 118

Sex: Male


Needs: Food, Water [Later also needs a certain closeness to the mc]

Desires: Wants to be alone but at the same time wants to uphold justice and protect weaker beings (Normal heroic morals)

Annoyances: Un-Just people/acts, people who jump in headfirst, talkative people or just social situations


 - Stays in the woods enjoying the quiet life and occasionally helping a creature out here and there

- People start using the woods as a hunting ground

- Scares of the people using it's talents

- Starts a rumour around the forest and enjoys a quiet life once more

- MC gets abandoned in the forest as a toddler

- Jun observes the child and helps it stay alive

- MC grows up and protects a creature by sacrificing themselves

- Jun transfers his 'life force' to MC with ancient spell

- MC survives and Jun is now tie to the MC unable to wander too far

- MC realises he has a family and ventures to the outside world to find out if they are still alive and why he was abandoned

- Jun has to follow and gets exposed to the outside world

- Jun has to adapt and put on a disguise to not be noticed as a creature

- MC finds his family after a long time of meeting different people and picking up different skills

- MC and Jun find out about Jun's origin as an omnipotent being and are swept into a huge war between humans and devils

- They triumph and enjoy isolation with their family

- Jun realises he doesn't belong and isn't needed therefore decides to leave and dies in the process

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Update - 19 Jun 2021

Omnipotent Creature