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Character and Creature Illustration

Character and Creature Illustration

by KalamityKas on 31 May 2021

Practice for the Creature Design chapter of my Concept Art & Illustration Masters, we were task with designing a creature and a related character.

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As a final practice for the Creature Design chapter of my Concept Art & Illustration Masters, we were task with designing a creature and a related character. I wanted to try a less realistic style to what I usually draw, so aimed for a more Pixar-esque style.

For the creature I really liked the idea of a Land Shark (I blame Street Sharks for my obsession with them), and when testing for variants, the magma creature seemed the most interesting.

For the character, I liked the idea of combining the British and Zulu army styles, since I knew I wanted to design an African soldier style character, but try for an alternative approach. 

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