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RNGeeks One Shot Characters Art

RNGeeks One Shot Characters Art

by KalamityKas on 20 May 2021

For an online stream of a Science Communication and Dungeons and Dragons session, a set of character arts, layout elements and animated backgrounds was required. The idea was to adapt some of the archetype of D&D to a science fiction setting, using Hard Science fiction as a reference point.

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For an online stream of a Science Communication and Dungeons and Dragons session, a set of character arts, layout elements and animated backgrounds was required. The idea was to adapt some of the archetype of D&D to a science fiction setting, using Hard Science fiction as a reference point.

The Layout elements were done in Blender, and for the animated background, 2 different hand painted textures using a mask created in Blender by creating a 3D Mandlebulb and recording it from above.

The final stream can be seen here.

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