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Tol the gut-slicer

Tol the gut-slicer

Allen Maimba
by allenm on 7 Mar 2021

This is a character concept i came up with to get more experience taking a design from sketch to full render. any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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Tol the Gut-Slicer

She's Violent, Stingy and impartial. But what'd you expect from somebody with her horrifying past.

She was born and grew up in a successful family in a merchant town, she lived happily until she was about 4 years old, but at that point life changed drastically.

She lost her home when it was destroyed after a drought and was forsaken by all. While persued by the authority she had to survive in a cruel world. But with her inginuity and strength, she managed to keep ahead of the curve and overpower anybody who's a hinderance. This has turned her into the woman she is today.

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