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Thras - sload war airship

Thras - sload war airship

Leonardo Flammia
by leonardoflammia on 6 Feb 2021

THRAS project - Skyrim mod - Thrassian war airship this was a pretty out of the comfort zone project ; The story told me that this is an airship made from a civilization of half slug half human mages, they use necromancy to use the power of sea creature in war .

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THRAS project - Skyrim mod - Thrassian war airship

this was a pretty out of the comfort zone project ;

The story told me that this is an airship made from a civilization of half slug half human mages,

they use necromancy to use the power of sea creature in war .

The ship should had a round maw , tentacles at the bottom , death sea creature , coral sticked and

it should have been big enought to fit a dungeon .

I dont remember what else but it was a preatty tricky concept also because it all needed to fit in the elder scroll universe.

Thras project - discord server :

The arcane University :

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