View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Sculptors' Courtyard

Sculptors' Courtyard

Viktor Pecsi
by Adrian Cluskey, Hannah Clark, Josef Russell, Sapphire Taylor, Shay Payne, Urim Osmani, Willow Sorour, and viktorpecsi on 31 May 2020

Last project of my 3rd year at Escape Studios. Real time environment in UE4. Something bright, colourful and romantic with a lot of statues. I love statues.

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The final team project during my BA course at Escape Studios, London and mentored by Simon Payne and Andrew Oakley from Creative Assembly.

We've decided to work on a rich, bright and beautiful environment for the 12 weeks. The architecture is inspired by Mondragon Palace in Spain which has been built in the 14th Century and features Moorish elements.

The project was finished remotely through perforce due the pandemic lock-down.

My responsibilities included Art directing, Co-producing, Modular kit design, Environment art, Props, Photogrammetry and some Material creation.

I'm really honoured to have had such a great team to work with and has been able to create such stunning art.

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