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The Boathouse - 3 Day Art Test (UE4)

The Boathouse - 3 Day Art Test (UE4)

Louis Sullivan
by louisjsullivan on 27 May 2020

The sun sets over the lonely outcrop as the supplies of the lighthouse keepers are replenished. Enough, hopefully, to hold out against the coming winter storms.

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This was an art test done over the course of three days. Unfortunately the position was cancelled due to COVID-19, but it was still good experience as I used the test as an opportunity to push myself and see how much I could get done within a short time-limit.

The brief was up to interpretation so I had a fair amount of control over the content and composition of the piece. I used Unreal's starter content materials in certain places, due to time constraints. The use of megascans was encouraged, so I used them for the terrain and foliage. This way I could focus on creating the boathouse, lighthouse, and props, in order to produce a well-rounded environment.

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