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It was back in 2017 when I suddenly wanted to learn 2d character art and animation.

I was always fascinated by games when I was young. I decided when I was in 10th grade that I don't want a regular job and I want to do something creative. Since then I started exploring different software and communities. June of 2021 is when I started with 3d and slowly fell in love.

I realized in the summer of 21 that I wanted to go into the games industry to build worlds and fuel imaginations. Then my interests slowly shifted to CGI and VFX, and now I am an aspiring 3D artist.

When I was high school, I was watching a lot of movies and begin questioning how did they do it. And that brought me to the journey of knowledge and adventure.

I was eagerly waiting for the good platform to learn and work on many innovative ideas.

At the age of 14

i have interest in designing profiles so, that brought me this idea of joining creative media.