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I first explored creatives softwares back when I was 13 and got my first PC. Then, I learn that I could make my life out of it thanks to my school.

As a child, I always had a passion for creating things, and as I grew up, my desire to work in the video game or cinematic industries only grew stronger

I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, and immediately found my way into graphic design and the creative professions when I left high school. I discovered a passion for motion after two years of graphic design, and I'm developing this skill to the full.

Right after leaving highschool, I started to look for a numeric and creative job where i could create stunning visual and express through different style. Thus, motion designer became an obvious job. I realized how much I wanted to create and inspire others through my own work.

In 2021, after highschool, I was looking for creative studies such as a culinary school or an art school. I then start to draw a little bit more than usual in order to create a book and enter an art school.

I first started wanting to work in the industry when I was in high school

Since I was young I have always been a fan of animated movies and watched an immense amount of them multiple times, may it be Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, Illumination or any other less known industry. This universe has always been appealing to me and want from the bottom of my heart to inspire others as much as I got inspired by such creations and create that feeling of dream and hope that I felt and still feel myself.

I realized this when I won the high school logo contest, and my design was flocked onto hundreds of sweaters, worn by a large number of students. What a source of pride!

I'start taking photo of metal band during my high school. I love know differents knowledges.

I have always been fascinated by the creative world and especially Animation itself with everything it entails. Being able to give shapes, movement and colors to certain emotions is freeing and something I've been doing ever since I learned to hold a pen. Growing up, this passion only grew and led me to enter the Animation industry, especially the 2D realm of it.

J'ai réalisé que je voulais faire ce métier en ressentant une pure passion pour les dessins animés que je regardais petite, me demandant toujours comment ils étaient créés

I began studying graphic design with the Adobe Suite but always wanted to add 3D graphics into my work. After an introduction to Blender, I chose to enroll into a 3D animation Bachelor. While I was inclined to focus on 3D Modeling, I started enjoying animating and rigging in Maya more and more, until I realized these were the specialties I wanted to dig deeper into. Now, although I'm graduating this year I'm still looking forward to learning new techniques while I'm starting to look for work

I realized I wanted to work in this industry when I started to take interest in how games and movies were made, what is the thought that comes through the artist's mind when creating a environment or a character.

When I started my first year of Animation studies, I knew nothing about 3D and it’s different aspects, nor did I like the subject. It was during the third project that we were asked to work on that I got a better understanding of it and therefore took great pleasure in exploring this domain.

I realized that I wanted to work in a creative profession when I was in high school, creating a few banners and logos for friends, and I wanted to continue in this field because I loved creating and seeing my creations on the networks.

I played video games a lot when I was younger, so in a commun way I really enjoy looking for new graphics and Look for what makes me happy in these games. Journey was the really first game that's make me know I will do it by my self.

Since I was a kid , I used to play a lot of video games and this medium allowed me to have fun time and forge a certain creativity. Tarantino’s movies also made me want to enter a crea industry !

I always continued to draw in my life since i was 14. But when I knew I wanted to work in creative industries was at 18 years old after my college graduation.

I love creative sector since I was a kid, and I decided to work in creative industries since middle school.