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I have always been a creative person. It wasn't until high school that I really started to realize that my love of video games and video game art could be a possible career opportunity in the future.

I realized I wanted to work in the creative industries during my first year of art school, when I had to choose my major. Working on a 3D modeling project, I discovered the thrill of bringing digital creations to life. This blend of artistic creativity and technical precision captivated me, leading to countless hours honing my skills and learning from online communities. That early passion solidified my career path in 3D art and texture design, driving me to continually refine my craft.

I discovered my passion for creative industries when I saw the opportunity to merge technical and artistic perspectives to create something unique.

Being creative has always been a strong undercurrent throughout my life. Working in other industries never satisfied this desire to create. Happy to be here now.

Since I had to choose some career, but I just reached that last year, after 2 graduations

I started maya about 15 years ago. but have been being a 3d generalist and video editor for about 10 years made me realize that somethings wrong. from last year(2019) I started learn houdini and hoping to start a career as a fx artist.

When I first time see Marvel movie

I didn't know what I wanted to do... Back in high school, I wasn't especially good at anything, so I was lost after graduating. Studying random courses and working at retail, switching back and forth. It was quite depressing. I loved ceramics, painting and drawing still life and environments. Never in my life thought I would make a living with art. But, when I discovered about computer graphics, that's when I fell in love again and realized that this might work! :)

When I was creating mods for space engineers and insurgency and wanted to expand that and make it a career rather than a hobby.

Since I was very young, but more seriously the past three years.

Years ago while i was working on 3d modeling for a 3d printing project

When I first watched the 3D movie, I wanted to learn 3D's

I first realized I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry when I started producing YouTube gaming videos. As I started to produce more videos I realized I started to really enjoy making entertaining or educational videos for the world. I then got interested in 3D modeling and wish to impact the world through this media.

After watching movies with CG