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I've always wanted my art skills to serve a purpose to others rather than holding it to myself, I aim to present my art to as many people as I can.

I wanted to be in the creative industry since i was young

Always been interested in technology, about 2 years ago I built a pc and was very intrigued how they worked. Been interested in watching videos about cybersecurity and things related to the topic.

When I was 12 I had a big interest in video games and that is when I knew I wanted to work in games

When I was a small child I started making games and continued since then.

In 2018, upon leaving high school, I dedicated myself wholeheartedly to honing my skills in game engines. Since then, I've found immense joy in crafting games.

Art, as cliche as it sounds, is always something that I wanted to go into. But it was only a few years ago when I realised that I could link art to my interests even further.

When I was around 15, my high school where showcasing colleges in the area and I learnt about Access Creative College, that made me realise I could make a living from my artwork.

I’ve been drawing ever since I was young, only when I moved into high school and started to improve my artistic abilities I decided that I wanted to do something creative, my main inspirations growing up being video games and anime which I indulged in during my free time.

I've wanted to be an artist since I was 11.

When I finished High School

When I began indulging in media such as animation, video games, and artwork in general