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et år hvor jeg så nogle seje videoer og tænkte det vil jeg godt

I've always loved to draw and be creative. In 2019 i started experimenting with 2D animation, wich i completely fell in love with, and now I'm making 3D stuff.

jeg hørte om det og synse det var interessant

This year. Suddenly I realised that I had more fun working on my portfolio than taking my breaks.

I've always loved expressing myself in creative ways. I started playing Minecraft at an early age, I loved having a platform to be creative. Since then my interest has only grown.

i've always known i wanted to work with something creative like drawing since its been a big part of my upbringing but i think when i realised in what direction i was going was when i found the animation program called pivot in 4th grade and ever since then ive been wanting to do something with art that works with animation or games.

i was in insperat at when is was in 7 class when we had a 2 weeks 3d modeling and then i have go a boarding school i was 2 years 3d max and z-brush that was when i realise i will work in the furture in 3d because its fun and i love it

about a year ago i bit more ive always been a fan of 3D but never got the chance to de it until now

My biggest inspiration was pirates of Caribbean franchise, that I watched the first time when I was six years old. From them I got the dream to create fascinating, fun and entertaining story telling animations and movies. It’s no joke! When the release of the fourth movie came, I decided, that I also wanted to become part of the movie industry.

When I was younger, I was really facinated about computer and mobile phones hardware and have been repairing computer and phones for many years. A couple of years ago , about 4-5 years ago, I began to combine my facination of hardware with game devolopment, and that's where it all began.

I think it started when we were making short films in middle school I had so much fun with the whole process.

I've always had the notion, that I wanted to make something creative and when I was younger I spent alot of time drawing and being creative. As I got older I sort of got away from that idea because I didn't think my skills was good enough. But after having spent some years jumping from different schools I picked up my creativity again and started looking for something in the creative media and entertainment industry.