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Since very young always knew I wanted to be in around videogames. As the industry is huge the truth is I didn't even know what I liked at the beginning, so I tried a lot of things, from 2D illustration, 3D animation, Character modeling, 3D generalist and UE4/5 tech artist. That was till a meet the VFX world and was instantly hooked, I still am and I don't think that will ever changed as VFX seems to be and endless fascinating world that keep pulling me over.

Ever since I was little child, I always wanted to work in the game industry because I simply love games. I also have a passion for art, so I believed mixing both together would be ideal for a career choice. After college graduation and receiving my degree, it took me awhile to realize what I truly wanted to pursue in a certain field. I tried illustration, 3D environment art, game design, and many more; but VFX always stood out to me and I finally decided to dive in.

I always been a creative since I was little from gaming , anime , Drawing etc . I been a freelance illustrator for years , recently got in to 2d and 3d vfx

I've loved telling stories since the very beginning, my main focus in life has been exploring HOW to tell them.

I have always loved tinkering with all aspects of game development and decided to make it a career in the summer of 2022 after finding out real-time VFX was an entire discipline on its own. It is the perfect blend of artistic expression and technical challenge, and offers endless opportunities to learn new and interesting techniques and software.

Since I was in middle school, I always wanted to work in a creative field, I learned editing with the call of duty scene in 2014 and kept working on my creative skills since then.

I realized 10 years ago want to jump into game dev, but I started my studies only 3 years ago.

I have always wanted to do something related to art for as long as i can remember. My first creative outlet was drawing and playing with legos. Eventually my love for the creative and video games combined and i found myself doing VFX

After dedicating a decade to music, and also running my own indie music label I felt it was time for a change and at some point last year I got introduced to VFX for games and got majorly conflicted as I thought I found something that might be an even truer purpose than music, that feeling soon turned into an absurd drive to start a career in VFX.

I kinda first realized I wanted to work in the creative industry when I learned I didn't like going outside! On a serious note though, I played a lot of games growing up and I loved everything about the and that sparked my desire to learn more. I first took a 4 year Game Design course because I knew I loved games and being creative and it seemed perfect. I loved every second of learning more about the creative industries.

I started my Game Development journey back in 2018, when I decided to get a BA in Game Design. Since then, I studied in Russia, Sweden, and in the US, acquiring all necessary skills as an independent game developer and now focusing on 3D and VFX.

When I was in Business School. The field was pretty interesting and I learned a lot but for me it was missing something. Something that I found in the creative industries. Then I went to an art school and became a 3d Animator. It was pretty cool but I realize that beyond being an actor, I wanted to be a magician.

I always loved playing games and when at young age I used to love creating my own stories for characters that I used to watch in tv shows and role play those stories with some toys. During my years working as a software engineer (9 years now), I always missed this feeling of creating things, characters, ambiences, worlds and stories. So I decided to attend my creativity call and focus my career on studying art and creating games

I spent 4 years at university without any kind of direction and dropped out. I took the time to reflect over the next couple of years and realized that I had always wanted to work in the video game industry but was overwhelmed and didn't know where to start. I enrolled in a game design program that I finished last year which gave me a strong base and a decent spread of skills. It was such a difficult and fun experience that ultimately solidified my desire to work in creative industries.