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After secondary school I did an internship in Software Development, but I felt like something was missing. I wanted to feel that sense of fulfilment that only comes from unleashing your creativity, so I decided to enrol into Digital Media at University. At first I was interested in graphic design but slowly I became more interested in 3D and specialised in it over the years. This choice was based around my other hobby, which is my love for drawing and creating immersive stories.

When I realize that I felt happier drawing something that piques my interest instead of studying for a chemistry test. I decided to adopt the paths related to my interest instead. That lead to the community of digital arts.

Hi there I'm a graphic designer and an illustrator bases based in Hong Kong. I love the image in all fields, I believe that digital media will be the new mainstream. and I never stop searching for new styles and new forms of technology to improve my skills.

During the 2020 lockdown, I bought a PS4 and VR headset to use Media Molecule's Dreams software to take a step into VR art creation. I loved it so much that I applied to do an MA at UWE Bristol in Virtual and Extended Realities Storytelling. I'm approaching my final semester and working hard to learn new tools such as Blender, Unity and Z-Brush.

It was never a realisation. It’s all ways just been a fact.

I first realised when I had just graduated high school. I wanted to do something creative as a job.