Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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I have always had a passion for gaming, animation, and digital art. The creative expressions that games can provide, along with delivering stories and journeys, I find to be captivating. Recently, playing Sekiro and Elden Ring has evoked emotions and personal reflections that I don't think I would have experienced otherwise. After playing these games and creating 3D art on the side, I realised that this is my true passion and where I see myself working in the future.

Rendering requirements

I have always had interest in the creative field from a young age which naturally led me to undertaking musical and creative art classes and hobbies. I was intrigued by the way people interacted with and communicate ideas. The end result was cool but It was the creative process which really inspired me, the state of exploring the unknown not knowing the destination.

I am a problem solver. Studying architecture i realized there are lots of creative ways of solving problem in the built environment industry. The industry allows you to showcase your creativity and technical problem solving skills in response to problems at every scale. Creating Photo-realistic renders, compiling documents, graphical presentation material, illustrations are means of communication and requires the vision of an artist. This encapsulates my interest of Architectural Visualization.

Primary School