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I learned in elementary school that Art class was the only class that I would do well in than the usual math, science, or social studies. I worked my hardest in that class and was recommended for Louisiana Talented art program and remained in that program from the 3rd grade until graduating high school. It wasn't until the summer after my Junior year (June 2020) that I started gaining an interest in animation after watching Disney's Into the Unknown making Frozen 2.

When I was 13, I realized I was destined to be in the entertainment industry. The real question was, which part? Acting never appealed to me, so I thought maybe youtube or twitch! But after doing that for a while to no avail, I realized I wanted to create something that I'd be proud of, rather than for the sake of growing an audience! Honestly, I think thats why i'm interested in art and animation. Because rather than be the forefront of the glory, the work speaks for itself!

I realized that I wanted to be in the entertainment industry since I was very young. When I was in elementary school, I would stage my Barbie's in different worlds that I would craft from cardboard. When I got into high school I joined the theater club and created the backdrops, props, costumes, and scripts. Then in college I started to dabble in SFX makeup and later on I realized that I could create it all virtually!

At age twelve, I realized I could take my escapism professionally, so I decided to major in animation when I entered college.