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Since I was young I have always been fascinated by how films were made. This desire to know is what led me to study games design in college and then move onto Animation & Visual Effects at University.

I first realised I wanted to work in the creative industry around the beginning of high school, when I began to expand my illustrations and think about what I really wanted to do in terms of a career path, after that moment of realising, I started discovering animation and gradually improving my craft, since then I have been creating a wide variety of works under the label of illustration and animation.

I have always had a knack for wanting to be creative but didn't start giving my inner passion a go until I was 20 years old. I began with digital art and now 4 years later I am studying Animation at University which has opened my doors to all sorts of careers.

When I was a kid, I was always using my imagination; creating stories, characters, and worlds entirely and then I'd beg my mum to teach me how to draw it. So when I learned about animation, I was so excited and I had my heart set on it, still do.

I have seen myself as creative ever since I was young and have perused this though out my life. I was really during my last year of secondary school I wanted to work with in animation. I took an art and design course for two years after that which helped me improve in mean areas before I started taking animation at university.

When I started Fine Art in GCSE I realised I had a passion and a skill for creating art

I had to swap one of my A-Levels last minute and happened to choose Media Studies. From here I found I massively enjoyed what I was learning, from theory to practice, and decided on a whim to stop pursuing a Maths degree and career, instead, I followed media and from here VFX.

I started studying games computing at the university of Lincoln, found myself getting very demotivated with the work and generally the rigid structure of coding. It lacked the creativity that I wanted so I started looking at 3D modelling and the ability to create ideas that I thought of and coming up with solutions to issues to create a look or feel to an object really just gets me motivated and excited to work. I’ve never been able to sit, work and truly enjoy what I was doing until now.

I realised that I wanted to work in the creative industry, when I was about 4-5 years old, when I watched some movies and animations with my family and that I always love creating ideas and making art and taking photos and videos and making my family, mostly my mum, look andwatch them and see if I can make them laugh, happy, sad or any other emotions. As I grow up I still have the love and determination to work hard to get into the creative industry, I’m just needing a bit of help and guidance.

When I was applying for University I realised that I could build upon my interest in animation and actually learn how it was done

I realised I wanted to work within the Game Industry during the past year of Isolation and lockdown as I had previously trained and studdied to work within the film industry and Visual Effects. I saw that there was a similarity between the two industries and during this time I learned how much I love Video games and the potential of working within this Industry.

I have always been creative, since I was small, but I became interested in becoming a part of the entertainment industry when I started playing games in my teens. I'm not very good at them but I enjoy them nevertheless. I think it's incredible what a collection of people can make, and I would love to be a part of the process, whether it be in games or film.

I'm a PhD Comp Sci student, but have a heavy interest in indie game dev.

I have always been a creative person. My family has said that ever since I was very young I would always drawing and making things. As I grew older, my drawing developed into woodwork and DIY in the garage with my Grandad. When I was about 10, I encountered an Architect who was working on the extension of my family home. This was the first time that I had witnessed a creative job and it completely blew my mind that I could get a job that focused so much on doing the things that I love.