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Striving to be a part of an evolving industry and aiming to deliver fun and unique experiences through cooperation and further develop a skill set that is built around creating innovative games. Characters are always full of personality, introduce the players to immersive worlds and are often displayed in unique and artistic ways. Becoming part of the industry that pioneers character design in creative media is a true ambition of mine and aim to establish myself in this space one day.

I was always a creative kid so when I realized it was a job choice it was a no brainer. Also since creative media such as video game have helped change my life I wanted to make them, help other people as it helped me.

I used Photoshop for two and decided to study game design at college. At this point, I was starting to learn 3dsMax and I knew this was for me that's why I continued it at university.

Seeing modding in games such as The Elder Scrolls and custom zombies maps on Call of Duty: World at War sparked my interest in game development leading to me taking game design courses in college and university. In my third year of university I decided to focus my efforts solely on character art.

I've always been captivated by the worlds of video games and movies, and the art of them that gets shared online. No matter which path in life I was considering, I was always drawn to something creative because I want to reach a point where my own work captivates and inspires me just as much as the work of others that I get to see :)

When I went to college and studied Game, web and app design and enjoyed creating assets for games so much i continued to university where i studied games design

I realised i wanted to be in the industry from college as i took game design

In high school learning how to create games using GameMaker Studio put me in a position where I knew I wanted to make game art.

When I started college in 2018, learning about the games industry instantly attracted me to the idea of eventually making my way there. Working hard ever since then to achieve my goal.

I've wanted to work in the games industry, or something related to game development for as long as I can remember. Taking action towards the goal started in school in 2015 with the beginning of my Creative Media classes and learning how to create games. Over time my goals have altered and my like/dislikes have shifted - now with Visual Effects being my happy place when it comes to being creative.

When I was 14 and I watched Indie Game the Movie

I like learning how the diversities of many character designs have been updated for many years.

During Year 9 of secondary school when I had to decide between art and triple science. I then found photoshop and became obsessed with creating digital work.

I first realised when I began at college and discovered it was a course I could study.

I've always been interested in art and games since I was young- So when I learnt that It could be a viable career for me I pursued it ever since college.

Ever since I first played my first game, as a child, something just clicked... I was already passionate about art and graphics / visuals, so it only made sense to pursue this career when I came of age. Driven, hard-working and always hungry for results; an individual who is determined to create memorable video-game art, as part of the ever-evolving video game industry...

I've always loved playing games and drawing when I was younger- and when I learnt that games art was a career choice for me I've pursued it ever since.

When playing games like the Witcher 3 and Life is Strange I loved the idea of creating characters in a 3D space that would be surrounded and filled with story and charm just like those games portrayed their characters.

I first realised that I wanted to work in the games industry while in college. I love creating any and all kinds of digital artwork, specialising in 3D prop art, and I would really like to pursue this professionally.

During high school my love for video games really started to develop and I knew I wanted to tailor my career towards game development. Going onwards into college I became more familiar with the different roles in the industry and decided that I would like to be a character artist one day.

I was never sure what I wanted to do after I finished school so I spent a lot of time looking for university degrees that I liked. I eventually settled on Games Design as Art has been something I've wanted to persue for many years and playing games is something I've always enjoyed.

I've always been a big fan of games and art separately, to combine the two is a dream job. Now I've just finished university and my passion for games art is higher now than ever.