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I work primarily in 3D, and realize that I could create anything I want, as long as I dedicate enough time and effort to it (not that that's so easy haha). That realization cemented 3D art as my passion.

I realized I wanted to work in the creative industry when I started to learn and grow a passion for creating digital paintings. Learning this skill led me to taking interest in other digital art mediums such as 3D animation and 3D modeling. When I first tried 3D modeling I realized how much I enjoyed creating art within a 3D space. I loved the puzzle-like aspects of building shapes and polygons into a final piece of art. Since then I decided I wanted to become a 3D environment artist for games.

Growing up, I always had my nose in a book or playing video games. Immersing myself in whatever other-worldly story I could. Alongside those activities, I was drawing. As I grew older and learned more about the creation of video games and movies, and how artist could help bring these stories to life, I redirected my goals to help tell those stories.

When I was 12 years old in 2008 and first downloaded Blender. I loved 3D animation and wanted to be able to create worlds and stories of my own. But over the years I longed for something more interactive and lean towards game design.