Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: Universitat Politècnica de València
Round of applause for our sponsors

I've always been atracted to the creative fields. I started drawing and creating art from a very early age and, after enrolling in university I quickly realised my true passion was 3d Character Art.

I realized that I want to be part of the animation industry when I was sixteen years old. I watched "How to train your dragon" for the very first time at the cinema and I was amazed. From that moment I started to understand about how deep my connection with the narrative was when the film uses animating techniques. I used to prefer animation content instead of live action, and I didn't have a community to share these thoughts, so when I started to discover this world was a revelation to me.

When I was little I wanted to do magic, wasn't until the age of 8 or 9 when I realized this was the closest thing that exists to magic, so here I am.