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When i was on senior high school.

When learning rigging for the first time, I became interested in working in the technical aspect balanced with the art of the industry.

After i experienced near death for the first time. I'm sure i want to do something that makes me happy at least, even if it doesn't change anything about this world, at least god knows I've tried my best.

ever since i saw my little pony when i was 9

From an early age, I've always loved to draw, create original concepts, and bring ideas to fruition. Seeing illustrations, animations, and video games with intricate and beautifully designed characters and environments that create stunning visuals, made me aspire to become someone who works in that field. To be able to entertain and inspire people with my works will bring me great joy.

At my last three years of high school. I realised at first that I love writing and visualizing stories, which is really used in the creative media and entertainment industry. I realise it even more in my second year of college, where I wanted to focus on the 3D side of that industry.

In my final year of high school, I thought to myself, If I'm going to do something to make a living for the rest of my life, then it better be something I'm excited about. It has always been my dream to be able to create something awesome and cool, whether it is a character, creature, or other things.