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At the end of my Bachelor of Fine Arts, I began teaching myself digital art, principally illustration, painting and photo-compositing. I already had an advanced level of knowledge in Adobe Photoshop as I majored in Photography during my BFA. The freedom and flexibility of Digital Art allowed me to improve my illustration skills rapidly as an artist, and I realized my goal was to bring the stories and characters I love to illustrate to life, as a concept artist or animator.

I think i was 18 when I realized I wanted to pursue Concept Art for Animation, focussing on 2D Illustration. Im a late starter to this, but im always eager to learn new techniques and study anything I can to better my performance in the art field

I think I was about, 9 years old when my dad took me to the Weta Workshop for the first time and ever since then I've wanted to work on films like Lord of the Rings and Coraline.