Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: Univeristy of South Wales
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Originally I had a completly different career path in mind where I studied training doctrine, and went the military route. Though due to sudden events, the path changed and I found myself applying to Noroff where I finally felt at home, and actually got to study something I've had an interrest in since my childhood. Video games. I grew up with sonic and mario, but later branched out to others like Mega Man, Street fighter, Metal Gear, Guilty Gear, Jet set radio, etc. I'm a character artist.

After taking a week-long animation course in college, I was attracted to animation as a potential career option.

I have always loved art and anything creative. Growing up I enjoyed animated films from the likes of Disney/Pixar and spent a lot of time playing computer games, always fascinated by how it was all made.