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When I was in grade 10

Ever since my school days, I knew that becoming an engineer or doctor was not the way for me. I was always a singer, a dancer, the art kid and I love basketball too. So getting into animation was not really a shocker. Then after exploring a bit with the help of my professors, i fell in love with VFX. I just find it soo cool and I thought i might not be great at it because it was very technical but the technical parts was where I excelled at in the end.

when i was almost done with my 12th grade, my friend told me about bachelor of design and i was intrigued by it as i myself loved the creative field but i didn't know that i could form a career path with it. Later i took up the course and here i am trying to learn everyday and stepping up.

I was in 9th grade when I first took an aptitude test and it stated Specialization in Animation. That's when I first remember getting excited to pursue this and took up a new interest such as Video Editing. Currently I'm studying at United World Institute of Design (U.I.D.) specializing in Animation & Motion Graphics. I have recently completed 2 years out of this 4 year specialization. We have been taught basics in 3D software Maya, Video editing in Premiere and typography animations in AE.