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Since I was a child I've enjoyed art hobbies, whether decorating my school notebooks, writing poems, drawing my favorite movie characters, playing multiple instruments, shooting music videos with my sister just for fun, etc. I had always thought that I was going to work in the engeering industry because I also enjoyed that a lot, but then I took a cinema class about communication and production and I fell in love with creating videos/shorts as a form of telling stories.

I always felt passion for the creative industries, and im not gonna lie, it was a tough decision to enroll in an artistic career instead of a traditional engineering or a similar career. But it was at the end of highschool that i really took that leap into studying and learning what i love. Finally, i managed to graduate from the digital art and animation career at ITESM, and im currently working in my videogame development master.

From a very young age I felt this enormous curiosity to see how video games and movies are created from scratch. I encouraged myself to make my own animations, games and whatever my creativity gave me to make it happen. That's how I decided to start learning 3D composition with free online courses and start a small YouTube channel that for a while gave me a little taste of what the industry is. Making renders, modeling, basic rigging, textures, lighting, etc. for clients when I was 15 years old.

When I was yound

I've always known I wanted to be involved in some kind of creative environment but growing up with animated movies, animated music videos, and videogames made me realize how much I loved the media and how accessible the media made it for others to consume different stories that portrayed different kind of people and their way of life.

When I watched movies and saw creatures, monsters and all the effects that were on the big screen I wanted to be able to participate in the making of them.

As soon as I found out about animated film production, videogames and tv shows, I wanted to be part of a great team that puts their creativity and passion into creating incredible stories.

Covid-19 pandemic pushed to create my own world without any fear and with a lot of love and hugs

Back in 2010, when I did my first ever "movie". Just me, my friends and a camera. Since then, i've done plenty! From personal to corporate and creative work, i've worked on the film & photography industry since then.