Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: UTS x Animal Logic - Masters of Animation and Visualisation
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During the 2021 lockdown I began drawing to keep my mind busy, eventually refining them into something special. Another of my friends had purchased a CAD cut printer out of boredom and we ended up making stickers for fun. I realized I could make a living through refining my talent into a skill, and loved the idea of having my work on the big screen.

I have always been interested in the creative world and pursued Visual Arts throughout high school. I have always been interested in watching animated stuff, However, my passion for animation truly ignited in year 11 when I had the opportunity to study this field in my digital media classes. I became fascinated with storytelling through the medium of animation. Since then, I have been fully committed to pursuing a career in the animation industry. This led me to UTS Animal Logic Academy