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I started as an Electronic Engineering student at the University I'm currently at. Since I had some credits to spare I started a minor's degree in 3D animation. It didn't take long until I fell in love with it and I eventually started studying Digital Animation as a second career.

In my last years of school I realized that I wanted to be part of the media and entertainment industry in any way possible. I started learning video editing, game development, 3D, etc. That is why I decided to study Interactive Design in the best university in Ecuador, called Universidad San Francisco de Quito. There I learned web development, as well as game, VR and AR development. They taught me Unity and C#, but after watching UE5 I recently started learning it alongside Blender.

I was in my first year of college attending as a journalism student. I realized in class one day as I was drawing, that drawing was all I thought about. I wanted to illustrate. I wanted to tell stories with something I created. I switched majors in 2017, and never looked back.

I realized when I started my studies, back in summer of 2019.