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Basically, I just enjoyed since I was a kid how videogames models and textures where made, I really enjoyed creating my own levels in any game editor that was available, like age of empires 3 or stuff like that, since then, making art is like a game for me.

Since I was a child I had the pleasure of creating worlds where people could have fun seeing them on paper. Still, in the path of life, social pressure didn't allow me to focus on it, but not long ago return my passion and interest for the new ways to create content and when I made my first animatión, I knew that I wanted to do that. 🐙

When i was a child y my father teach me how to play videogames.

Since I was a child I have always liked art, illustration and animation.

hace bastante tiempo, desde que tenia 13 años llevo creando mi proyecto de vida, el cual es una serie animada, pero tambien me encantaria realizar cortometrajes con estudios indies o incluso grandes estudios

Mi interés innato por las industrias creativas se manifestó inicialmente cuando comencé a dedicarme a proyectos creativos. A medida que avanzaba en esta área, me di cuenta de que tenía una inclinación natural para el diseño y la animación. Aproveché cada oportunidad para trabajar en proyectos que me desafiaron a aprender nuevos programas, mejorar mis habilidades en modelado 3D y perfeccionar mis técnicas de animación

Since kid i love the entretainment industry

I always wanted to tell stories, it was when I was in Junior High when I realised that I wanted to do be in the creative media industry, especially in the 3D industry