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3d design


Since I was young with the interest in design

Middle High School , some defects in my home due to heavy rain has inspired me to become an interior designer to solve the problems in houses

I like to create animations/characters that are cute and funny. I would like to work for advertising studios where can combine all the art elements like motion graphics, video shooting, and 3D assets to make advertisements.

im a lecturer for UCSI Malaysia, here bring up all my student 3d animation final project to compete in the digital competition

In recent years, I am most aspired by a game called “the Legend of Zelda: Breathe of the Wild”. How this game achieves interaction between players and the game enlightens me a lot. Such a world can be better described as “open world”, where players are not restricted by the story while at the same time the players have a certain goal to achieve. This make me feel that I would like to and wish to create something.

I always love watching music videos and anime when I was younger. And through there, I slowly got into animation and motion graphics. I slowly learn to love games cinematic videos / trailers such as Riot's League of Legends, Valorant and Hypergryph's Arknights. I had been pondering about my future career for quite some time now and I decided to pursue my passion which is in Motion Graphics.

Its just pure passion about arts.

I’ve been passionate about animation and film industry since I was a teen. After I watched some animated films I realize that I want to be a part of a team that allows people’s ideas and creativity to come to life and can be the entertainment that people need and will enjoy.