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I have always wanted to work in a creative field - especially in film. I got inspired in middle school to learn and study animation.

In elementary school, I've always been artsy and really thrive off of creativity. Cartoons and comics I had been exposed to as a kid really enhanced my motivation to become an artist of sorts, even now I'm inspired by the many childhood shows I used to watch in the morning.

When I was younger I was more or less obsessed with cartoons and video games. After a while, I realized I wanted to create something much like those things I'd enjoyed, so I began taking steps to achieve that goal.

In middle school I started to gain confidence In my art and since freshman year of high school I've been interesting in pursuing a career in animation and art.

When I was a freshman in high school, I discovered that I wanted to be an artist for a professional company

When I met a close friend of mine. She showed me some of her art in 8th grade, and shared about her goals of becoming an Animator. Then I met another friend that same year, who had the same goal. And both their stories/ideas inspired me to take that path too! Technically I was already into film making, but I never thought about dabbling in the arts and animation till then.

When I was at the ripe old age of ten years old.

I decided to pursue art when I was in middle school, my mom is an artist and I was always inspired by her.