Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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I've always been a huge fan of creative arts and story telling ever since I was a young kid. I'd always love to draw when I was younger and was captivated by movies such as Spirited Away. Growing up I started gaining a love towards the game genre and got more involved with it. I gained a lot of passion towards it and spent a lot of my time thinking about game design and ideas. It was during this process that I found working in this kind of environment could be worth pursuing.

As a child, I was always the kid who came up with the games in the playground. It was only looking back at this memory, alongside the original playing cards, level designs, and board games that I had created did I realise that I have been interested in creating games and entertainment since a young age. This passion never ebbed, instead morphing itself into a more subtle passion that I didn't realise could contribute to a career in games until I set out on a four year Game Design course!