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Ever since I was a kid I loved to draw, I started out drawing Dragon Ball Z. When I got to High School I really developed a passion for drawing anything realistic. I wanted to pursue a career in fine arts but I was a little worried about the whole Starving artist mentality. So I needed a ''sustainable job'' and the only career that I could think of, which was related to art, was Animation. I enrolled at a University that offered 3D as a course and long story short feel in love with Zbrush.

My interest in 3D art and the creative areas began throughout my teenage years. I spent a lot of time playing games, watching animations, and movies. I always like watching cutscenes and cinematic game trailers. Fueled by the same wonder that first motivated me, I hope to be a part of the collaborative process that brings creativity to life and adds to the ever-changing world of visual storytelling through 3D art.

I always like to watch animation since from childhood

When I started to play games on my computer

when i started to become exposed to the world

When I was a child I played a lot of video games, all day everyday, I became inspired coming up with my own ideas and thus wanted to work in the industry.

Many many moons ago, in short I've been teaching the software for some time and I've lost the creative drive to create for the sake of creating. On top of everything, My time is so limited that its hard to sit and focus on "own work" in 3d in general.