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I am a YouTuber since 2015, since then my interest towards creating content is increasing day by day.

Since i was a little kid, i was always curious about animation. I loved watching cartoons and drawing pictures . As i grew up i wondered how people made these animations and games that i loved so much. I found out about 3d art when i was in my high school years and i fell in love with it instantly. I followed a bunch of tutorials and the end result made me feel happy and made me feel that this is something i should pursue as my career.

I had a thing for art from a young age. I came across this field through the Spider-Man films, DreamWorks movies, and films like The Jungle Book. And so became interested in vfx and the entertainment industry as I watched great hollywood movies. Engaging in and creating such artworks feels satisfactory, which helps me move forward.

I like drawing and sculpting a lot and i've been drawing from when I was in school and movies like avatar,godzilla,superhero movies etc.. inspired me to draw them and sculpt them