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During the middle of secondary school.

In 2018 I was watching how to train your dragon 2 and I liked all the assets which made up the scenes.

I've always been a creative person and have a thing for entertaining and I would love a career that is based around being creative and creating or help creating a product that people will hopefully enjoy

I've always loved video games and technology, probably since i was 15.

I'd always wanted to work in games but I never knew until secondary school that you could learn in college, when I discovered that Games Development was a course at the college I wanted to attend I immediately knew what I wanted to do. Learning about the industry in college has only made me more determined to get into the industry.

I first realised I wanted to work in the creative media industry back when I was 12 years old, and I found that i was more interested in the level layout and how things were put together in videogames than the actual gameplay itself. I decided to look into how games were made and discovered 3DS Max. I started to use it for a while but then i found out about Blender and apparently how much better it was and easier it was to learn, so I soon switched to that and have used it ever since.