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I first realised first when it went from wanting to play games to create games that I would be able to hear great things about.

I just knew from the very beginning that I wanted to be involved with game production.

I have always wanted to create environments and assets for games or animation.

when I was in high school I realised I wanted to work in the creative industries

When I found the course and enjoyed the content

When I discovered my love for gaming.

When I was 18, I wanted to move from traditional art into computer art and started studying game design. I got really into 3D modelling and have been pursuing this path ever since.

When I was a young lad, I loved to play video games and reading comics. The early memories I have is me griping a controller and popping heads in cod. The only I have ever wanted to do is make video games. Through a long and difficult process, I am at a stage where I can start to believe this dream and Study it. There was one Memory that is still stuck in my head to this day is the first day of high school. I told a teacher from that point I wanted to make video games and here I am doing so.

I realised ever since I started using Blender/Maya etc. It has created a deep passion and I want to grow and expand my knowledge getting better.