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When I was in high school, watching cinematic trailers by Blizzard, Ubisoft, and more, I was very excited about these videos and want to create something like this one day, for players and audiences all around the world.

Since my third year at my university. I studied interactive art and technology at SFU, Canada. I learned a 3D animation course this year and get in touch with Maya. I really enjoy building a 3D world for both myself and my teammates. And I really want to dive into this field, know more people, and work with them if I have a chance.

It probably started back when I was in secondary, but the actual point was when I took an introductory course about animation at SFU. I was just curious about the 3d industry back then.

I was studying Business as a Major in SFU, but decided to take a minor in Interactive Arts and Technology. While taking some courses in 3D animation and a course in Immersive Environment, I started really getting into trying to learn as much as I can from different sources, Youtubes, Udemy, Linkedin Learning, books about anatomy, and game design. I want to keep learning and work in the field.

I realized since I was in high school when I was exploring my fine art skills.