Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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My name is Lucas Gomes and I live in Conselheiro Lafaiete- Minas Gerais, Brazil. I’m focused on the collectibles industry and Characters development.

When I started to realize that we can build worlds.

I’ve always drawn as a kid, and surprisingly I’ve recently found an old agenda I used to sketch in, and it’s full of monsters, creatures and characters (a lot of them inspired by Ben 10 haha), and even theme park horror house kinda stuff. When I was 15 I wanted to develop my own game(s) - I’ve obviously always played a lot - with story, characters, habiliteis, mechanics and all, so, inspired by AQWorlds, I went after tutorials and found Jazza, and that was the beginning of a wonderful journey!

This passion to work with game and movies industry started 10 years ago, when i was a little child, and now, with passion and determination, I'm slowly but gradually climbing the ladder of knowledge.