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Since I was 15 I got interested in the Art of games and 3D films, so around that time I started researching how was it all made, and ended up learning about Blender, since then 3D art became an enjoyable hobby for me. Then in 2021, I decided to take it a step further by enrolling in an Art course and practicing that skill seriously.

The first time I show interest in arts that I remember was 19 years ago. When I was five and saw a girl drawing "Goku" from Dragon Ball Z, since then my friend and I spend days trying to draw Goku. All my life loved the idea of creating things, storys, characters and when I was a little more older I start to show interest in sculture and 3D model. I wasn't easy study what I love, economic problems and a strange carreer in my country made it so challening but I'm happy to say that took the risk!